Carolyn Verhoef

Director, Outside the Box Organisation Solutions

I feel balanced and free to move towards my highest vision for my business and life success.

Carolyn Verhoef

Organisational Specialist

“Before attending Annette’s Business and Life Coaching Program, I felt overwhelmed by the work ahead of me in business to realise the potential I could see and visualise within the company.”

I mainly wanted assistance with how I felt out of balance in my personal life and how to realise my vision for my business would not be successful if it meant going further out of balance.

I had just recovered from pushing myself to the point of illness, which was another area of focus for me at this time.

Since working with Annette, the most significant change has come to bring my passions even more in alignment with each other.

Seeing how I am in my dance and creativity, the freedom and expression of my true self and emotions play their part in connecting me to my clients and audience.

How I needed to bring this part of me into my business and that my business needs to be an accurate reflection of ALL of me, not just the logical and organizer part of me. I CAN BE both at the same time.

Learning to glide using the gentle currents of feeling to guide my subsequent actions has been an enormous awakening but needs constant reminding to stay in this space. Relationships and balance are moving toward improvement.

The weekly Pow Wow has been a good start to being more connected with my husband on a “running our life” aspect, still a work in progress.

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Annette has given me life-changing tools that have helped me identify my needs and set my values.

Although I received life-changing tools that helped me identify my needs and set my values and are very clear, I had not applied my needs to how I interact with those around me.

I found this very helpful not only to myself but also to help my clients identify their situations.I started using affirmations and have now written these to my own goals and life path with Annette’s guidance.

These have helped me remain optimistic about the future and have a sense of assurance during a slower period of new clients.

Coaching with Annette has helped me enhance my client’s success, and through this, I have expanded and now live within my life’s purpose.

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Annette has contributed to how I view myself and my business. This has allowed me to be more in tune with my clients giving them the best outcome.

The success of my clients is the most rewarding and fulfilling part of my business. I feel balanced and free to move towards my highest vision for my business and life.

Setting out my budget, projections, and tracking of sales more regularly has helped me be more in touch with how I will achieve the tangible goals of the business.

Letting go of the push to achieve has been a massive part of lowering the stress and creating a life with ease and success in the divine timing that it will occur.

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The Top 8 most outstanding improvements I have experienced since working with Annette are:

Your time is now to step fully into your intuitive calling!

  1. Listening to the internal voice of what will serve me, my relationships, and my business.
  2. Being in greater peace with any current situation, less panic and stress.
  3. An alignment with my business and marriage brings us closer, not further apart.
  4. Increased communication in all my relationships.
  5. Maintaining balance with health and work.
  6. Permitting myself to be my true self in my business.
  7. Letting go of the things that don’t serve me.
  8. It is knowing that I will fulfill my needs and not expect this from others.

Annette helped me to make extraordinary breakthroughs with clients due to the work I’ve been doing on myself.

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