Iain Massey

Business Growth Specialist, Upland Consulting (Australia)

I gained new clarity about my ‘Why’, updated my business strategy, attracted new clients, and noticed less self-sabotage.

Iain Massey

Business Growth Specialist

“Before working with Annette, I was not clear about the direction of my business. I asked Annette to help me improve the way I play the business game in my head, and she did.”

I also knew I wanted Annette’s intuitive insight to balance my analytical thinking.

I’ve just spent a year working quite intensively with Annette as my business coach.

Intuitive Business Coaching with Annette has been a very rewarding investment indeed.

I gained new clarity about my “Why,” updated my business strategy, attracted new clients, and noticed less self-sabotage.

Annette is the opposite of the just follow my system, and you’ll succeed people.

She has the intuitive insight and grace to put herself in her client’s shoes.

Her priority is not her agenda but to help her client find their inner truth and the courage to offer it to the world.

Annette has helped me be clearer, stronger, and more human-centred in all my work. She is also friendly, positive, and practical.

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