Marion Pearson

Financial Planning Specialist

I am now more assertive in my personal and business life – learning to communicate in a confident manner.

Marion Pearson

Financial Planning Specialist

“Before attending Annette’s Executive Coaching Program, although my business was expanding very quickly around me, I was working on a reactional basis without creating stronger foundations for my business.”

I was managing to fit my personal life around my business and leaving very little ME Time.

Although I had some systems in place, I was working on adrenalin and leaving things until the last minute.

Life was very busy and stressful without boundaries in place.

Since working with Annette, the most significant change I have achieved is my business turnover increased by 30%.

Putting in place new business systems to meet deadlines easily has supported the growth and increased turnover in my business.

This has given me a more balanced lifestyle with my business and personal life, including a structure for my health and fitness program.

Being able to communicate with Annette on many levels i.e., physical, spiritual, business, and personal has improved my relationships.

Annette has given me life changing tools that have helped me to gain awareness in identifying my true values.

I now diarise all the important areas of value in my personal and business life, not just work appointments.

I have created a greater balance inside my personal and business life by diarising my management systems.

Keeping a journal has helped me to gain deeper awareness into who I really am and what is most important in my life.

The Top 5 most outstanding improvements I have experienced since working with Annette are:

  1. I am now more assertive in my personal and business life and learning to communicate in a confident manner.
  2. I have created new business systems and a self-management plan for plenty of ME time, gaining more balance. I am now living my life instead of my business running my life.
  3. Learning how to be around different energies without it affecting how I feel about me and my peace of mind.
  4. Acknowledging my personal values and learning to courageously set boundaries by listening to my heartfelt needs.
  5. I have gained insight into where I was spending my time by creating my values-based self-management timetable.

Annette helped me to create new and improved business systems and a self-management plan gaining greater balance, more peace, and less stress.

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